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Finding The Triggers

Personal development is the ultimate source of competitive advantage. Think of any world-class business - learning and development is threaded throughout the fabric of their operation. We must remember that people learn in many different ways - reading, listening, watching and doing. A blended approach is often the answer.

Over the years at Winning Pitch we've noticed the impact that other individuals can have on our personal development, outlook and aspirations is huge. We often hear both clients and friends refer to people that inspired them. Winning individuals are, at some point in their life, influenced by the actions and activities of others.

Any forward thinking and progressive individual should never underestimate the power of learning from the best. Coaches and mentors prove to be an effective way of fast tracking our personal development and indeed refocusing our behaviour to explore new paths to success.

I believe all people should have a circle of influence - that is a group of individuals who we can look up to and learn from. We are firm believers in the power of observing winners because these individuals are the triggers of

breakthrough thinking and performance. Work out who your circle of influence is and use it to fast track your future development in these uncertain times.

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